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Criminal Swiss people: Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera (Free Democrat Party FDP)

Ernst Cincera (FDP): This Swiss Nazi snitcher is against everything which is a little bit "left" - Nazi Switzerland is confirmed completely

Ernst Cincera - first he was a silver smith and teacher in drawing and a member of Swiss Labor Party (Partei der Arbeit, PdA) - then after a visit in CSSR he turns into a Nazi snitcher having a spying group from 1972 to 1974 against "leftwingers" organizing financing and systematically manipulating Swiss company bosses against "leftwingers" for blocking careers - "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) discovering everything in 1976 - Cincera syndrome against the "alternatives" of Autonomous Youth Center in Zurich 1980-1992 - Cincera syndrome at file card scandal of 1989/1990 and 2010 - Nazi Switzerland is always a Nazi Switzerland (q.e.d.)

Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera (photo
                          published on Dec 7, 1976) at a press
                          conference of his "Information Group of
                          Switzerland" presenting an
                          "enemy" ("Feind")
Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera (photo published on Dec 7, 1976) at a press conference of his "Information group Switzerland". He is explaining something about "an enemy" ("Feind") here... [3]

Mr. Jürg
                        Frischknecht (in the middle) from
                        "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) at a press
                        conference of 1976 claiming that there is a
                        "Cincera syndrome"
Mr. Jürg Frischknecht (in the middle) from "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) at a press conference of 1976 claiming that there is a "Cincera syndrome" [4]

                        "Dossier Cincera. Documents and
                        materials" (1976) by "Work Group
                        Democratic Manifesto"
Book "Dossier Cincera. Documents and materials" (1976) by "Work Group Democratic Manifesto" [5]

There is freedom of information.


by Michael Palomino (2014)



The "Cincera case": Systematic Nazi spying in Switzerland and card files against leftwing human beings blocking applications and careers - "Information Group of Switzerland" ("Informationsgruppe Schweiz")

Criminal Swiss Nazi snitcher
                  Mr. Ernst Cincera, portrait  Swiss
                  newspaper article about criminal Nazi oriented
                  espionage by Mr. Ernst Cincera
Criminal Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera, portrait [1] - Swiss newspaper article about criminal Nazi oriented espionage by Mr. Ernst Cincera [2] - human rights are only for him and the complete world destruction by capitalism and by the "U.S.A." he does not see...

Teacher for drawing of communist Labor Party of Switzerland (PdA) is turning into a Swiss Nazi snitcher after a visit in CSSR agitating against everything with is a little bit "left"

We can read the following in Wikipedia about this Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera [web01]:

First this Swiss man Mr. Ernst Cincera was an artist, a silver smith and a teacher for drawing, and he was a member of Swiss communist Labor Party (Partei der Arbeit, PdA). But then he got a deception during a trip to Czechoslovakia and was "converting" into a Free Democrat Party member and not only that, but he was even becoming a criminal Swiss man and a snitcher against leftwing persons in Switzerland: As a lieutenant-colonel in Swiss Army he began agitating with the nickname "Cesar" against persons of left parties instigating giant intrigues, he was organizing pupils and students infiltrating left groups, he was founding an "Information Group of Switzerland" ("Informationsgruppe Schweiz" and between 1972 and 1974 he was compiling a card file index with more than 3,500 persons living in Switzerland from political leftwing groups [web01]. According to other reports Mr. Cincera's propaganda groups hat spied and registered in their card file index more than 10,000 persons in Switzerland [web08, web13]. This card file index of Mr. Cincera is called also a "sniffing index" [web08].

All in all this propaganda work of criminal Swiss man Mr. Ernst Cincera has to be rated like the criminal activity of Mr. McCarthey in the "U.S.A."

(7) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Demokratisches Manifest (Hrsg.): Dossier Cincera (PDF; 11,3 MB)
(8) > [web17]

Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera and his spying work against anything which was a little bit "left"

A detailed description about criminal spying activity in a Nazi style and Stalin style is given in the German newspaper "Times" ("Die Zeit") [web08]:

(orig. in German:
<Ernst Cincera, Oberstleutnant der schweizerischen Armee und im Zivilberuf Werbegrafiker, ist Sammler aus Patriotismus, Er sammelt Daten über Leute, die er für „subversiv“ hält, und das sind eine ganze Menge: Seine sorgsam geführte Kartei umfaßt nach bisherigen Schätzungen die Namen von etwa zehntausend Personen, die mit dem Rudi des Liberalen behaftet, sind. Cincera notiert, wer auf Demonstrationen gesehen worden ist und wer sich linke Zeitschriften hält, wer wann in einen Ostblockstaat gefahren ist oder sich als Student mit dem Marxismus beschäftigt hat – kurz alles, was ihm aus öffentlichen oder privaten Quellen zugänglich ist. Und nicht nur das. Etliche Daten können dem privaten Verfassungsschützer, wie es jetzt den Anschein hat, nur unter Verletzung von Amts- und Bankgeheimnis bekannt geworden sein.

Neben seiner Sammeltätigkeit ist Ernst Cincera aber noch anderweitig aktiv. Seit Jahren reist er als Wanderprediger des Kalten Krieges durch die Schweiz und hält Vortage gegen Subversionen vor Offiziersverbänden und bei Vereinen, die ihn regelmäßig zu sich bitten. Außerdem ist er Präsident einer Organisation, die sich „Gruppe für zeitkritische Analysen“ nennt und sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, „aktiv zur kritischen Bewußtseinsbildung der schweizerischen Bevölkerung“ beizutragen, sowie Redakteur einer „Informationsgruppe Schweiz“, die „eine zielbewußte Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit über unbeachtete Zeiterscheinungen“ bezweckt.>)

<Mr. Ernst Cincera, a lieutenant-colonel of Swiss Army and in his private profession a propaganda graphic designer is a collector by patriotism. He is collecting data about people he is considering "subversive" and this is a plenty of people: According to actual estimations his well managed index is comprising the names of about 10,000 persons which are not conform with the liberal Rudi [nickname for Ernst]. Mr. Cincera was putting down who could be seen on manifestations and who is reading leftwing newspapers, who was making visits in countries of Eastern Europe of Eastern bloc or who was a student working with Marxism - in short words, all was put down which was accessible in public or private sources. And not only this. Many data could only have been provided breaking the law of official secrecy and bank secret collaborating as the private homeland security agent is stating.

But Mr. Ernst Cincera is not only a collector but he is working also in other kinds yet. Since years he is traveling around as an itinerant preacher of Cold War in whole Switzerland holding speeches against subversion at officer's groups of the army and at societies where he is welcome and wanted regularly from time to time. Additionally he is a President of an organization called "Group of latest critical analysis" ("Gruppe für zeitkritische Analysen") having the goal "being active building a critical consciousness of Swiss population", and he is the managing editor of "Information Group of Switzerland" with the aim "giving purposeful enlightenment of the public considering not considered events in the world".>

Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst
                            Cincera (photo published on Dec 7, 1976) at
                            a press conference of his "Information
                            Group of Switzerland" presenting an
                            "enemy" ("Feind")
Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera (photo published on Dec 7, 1976) at a press conference of his "Information Group of Switzerland" presenting an "enemy" ("Feind") [3]

Mr. Cincera is declaring here at a press conference of his "Information Group of Switzerland" in 1976 something about "the enemy". In some way he is not a "human" any more.

This Swiss Nazi, Mr. Ernst Cincera, is spying and peeping around. "Alternatives" and leftwings are all "from Moscow" for him and are all enemies of the state for him, but the bank secret can also be used by high communists from Moscow (Breschnew etc.) and from East Germany (Honecker etc.) etc.!!!!!

Therefore Mr. Cincera is a "high example" of a Swiss asshole making pressure and pursuing people in Switzerland who are a little bit "leftwing" or "alternatives", but at the same time he is permitting that funds from "high Gulag communists" from "Soviet Union" are coming to Switzerland being "stored" under the protection of the bank secret. Such a barbarian strategy against humans can only come from Swiss Free Democratic Party (FDP). And many members of Swiss Free Democratic Party are "thinking like this" in just the same way like Mr. Cincera, for example Mr. Kopp...

With this the structures of Switzerland are Nazi structures.

q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence supplied).

German "Times" ("Die Zeit") is continuing:

<For not being a not considered local event this information group is editing an enlightenment leaflet since two years with the title "What Who How When Where" ("Was Wer Wie Wann Wo") and which is appointed for "reliable journalists, representatives and so on, thus people who should get our information by professional or political reasons."> [web08]
(orig. in German:
<Damit seine Informationsgruppe selber keine unbeachtete Zeiterscheinung bleibt, gibt Cincera seit etwa zwei Jahren ein Aufklärungsblatt heraus, das den Titel „Was Wer Wie Wann Wo“ trägt und das bestimmt ist für „zuverlässige Journalisten, Behördenvertreter usw., also Leute, die unsere Information aus beruflichen oder politischen Gründen bekommen sollten“.> [web08])
Among other things Mr. Cincera let travel complete spying groups to East European countries pursuing Swiss people who had a stay there, for example groups of "World Youth Games" ("Weltjugendspiele") in East Germany in GDR [web01].

[Criminal "U.S.A." and destructive tactics of "development aid" of the "First World" against "Third World" were not important for Mr. Ernst Cincera as it seems. War crimes and mass murders in Vietnam and elsewhere and the eliminations or the forced dislocations of primary nations for building new "military bases" of criminal "U.S.A." in the whole world were better for Mr. Cincera as it seems. His view of the world was absolutely limited and he did NOT compensate this gap of wisdom with any further education - but he made his spying work and propaganda and thus destroyed the life of many people also when there was no delict at all...]

Swiss Nazi state of Switzerland is working very well - the index against persons in leftwing groups is having it's effect

This index with about 3,500 people living in Switzerland from leftwing groups (other sources say more than 10,000 [web08, web13]) was provided by Cincera to the bosses of economy, of administration and policy thus leftwing respectively "dangerous" applicants could be sorted out directly blocking all leftwing human beings in Switzerland with their career. That means: Mr. Ernst Cincera had converted into an absolute Nazi. And this Nazi method was working even very well in Nazi Switzerland: The bosses let manipulate themselves by this Cincera index - [without any further request with the victims of course!!!] - thus dozens of leftwing persons had no chance with their applications. This Nazi Switzerland was working well [because Switzerland has NEVER been denazified since the 1930s!]. Only in 1976this Cincera archives were detected by leftwing activists who had provided a key. And then the "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" [abbreviation DM] was publishing the intrigues of Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Cincera [web01].

1976: This spying index of Swiss Nazi Cincera gets busted

Quotation from German "Times" ("Die Zeit"):

<And this Swiss witch hunter could have made his work without any problem yet when there had not been stolen a big part of his collection during a night in November just by one of these subversive hands. Members of a left liberal group which consists since April calling themselves "Democratic Manifesto" [DM] with founder members like the writers Max Frisch and Adolf Muschg had detected that there was a "snitcher" in the own rows, a student working as a cashier in this group [DM] working also in the group of Ernst Cincera. By the help of this double spy the Manifesto members could get access to the about 4,000 file cards of the Cincera archives presenting results of their research with these file cards on several press conferences.>
(orig. in German:
<Und der eidgenössische Hexenjäger hätte sein Treiben sicher noch lange Zeit ungestört fortsetzen können, wenn nicht eines Abends im November ein großer Teil seiner Sammlung von subversiver Hand entwendet worden wäre: Angehörige einer seit? April bestehenden links-liberalen Gruppe, die sich „Demokratisches Manifest“ [DM] nennt und zu deren Gründungsmitgliedern unter anderen Max Frisch und Adolf Muschg gehören, hatten entdeckt, daß sich in ihren eigenen Reihen ein „Spitzel“ befand, ein Student, der als Kassierer, bei der Gruppe tätig war, gleichzeitig aber auch bei Ernst Cincera Dienst tat. Mit Hilfe dieses Doppelfunktional gelangten die Manifestanten an etwa viertausend Karteikarten aus dem Cincera-Archiv und gaben während der letzten Tage auf mehreren Pressekonferenzen das Ergebnis ihrer Sichtung bekannt.> [web08])

Quotations from Swiss TV about the "Cincera syndrome":

Journalist Mr. Jürg
                    Frischknecht (middle) from "Democratic
                    Manifesto" (DM) at a press conference of 1976
                    presenting the "Cincera syndrome"
Journalist Mr. Jürg Frischknecht (middle) from "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) at a press conference of 1976 presenting the "Cincera syndrome" [4]

<Mitglieder des «Demokratischen Manifests» [DM] dringen in Räume des FDP-Politikers Ernst Cincera ein und stellen Akten aus seinem privaten Nachrichtendienst sicher. Cincera hatte Karteikarten über rund 10'000 Personen angelegt und gilt als «Subversivenjäger».> [web13, Einleitung]. Journalist Jürg Frischknecht, Mitglied der Gruppe "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Demokratisches Manifest", bezeichnet die Spitzeltätigkeit von Cincera sogar als "Syndrom Cincera" [web13, 20-35sek.], und da "gehören dazu" die "Gruppe für zeitkritische Analysen" und die "Informationsgruppe Schweiz" [web13, 35-45sek.].  Herr Ernst Cincera hat nicht nur Spionage betrieben, sondern hat mit seiner Kartei eine Art "Privatpolizei" aufgebaut [web13, 2min.0-11sek.]. Cincera "arbeitet widerrechtlich mit Freiwilligen und mit bezahlten Spitzeln" [web13, 2min.11-22sek.]. Cincera hat sich eine "Kartei über 4000 überwiegend linksstehende Personen und Organisationen angelegt" [web13, 2min.22-32sek.]. Cincera wurde "von kantonalzürcherischen Behörden und von militärischen Stellen unterstützt" [web13, 2min.32-39sek.]. Finanziert wurde die Spitzeltätigkeit vorwiegend von schweizer Firmen und Verbänden [web13, 2min.39-46sek.], zum Beispiel vom "Verband Zürcher Rechtsanwälte" [46-50sek.]. Die Geschäftsräume von Ernst Cincera liegen an der Englischviertelstrasse in Zürich, wo auch das Spitzelarchiv verwaltet wurde [web13, 2min.46sek.-3min.5sek.]. Cincera beklagte einen Verlust eines Teils seines Materials in einem Keller eines Hauses an der Englischviertelstrasse und monierte "Diebstahl, Hausfriedensbruch und Freiheitsberaubung" [web13, 3min.5-20sek.]. Nach einer Pressekonferenz werden drei Journalisten für ihren Kampf für Aufklärung von der Zürcher Nazi-Polizei festgenommen und Jörg Frischknecht gejagt, der zeitweise untertaucht und die ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Akten auswertet. Bald kommt die Staatsanwaltschaft aber auf die Spionageakten von Cincera, versiegelt das ganze Spitzelarchiv und beginnt auch Untersuchungen über seine "Informanten" [web13, 3min.20-42sek.]. Herr Ernst Cincera dementiert dann alles und so steht immer "Aussage gegen Aussage" [web13, 3min.42-45sek.].

<Members of "Democratic Manifesto" [DM] are intruding the rooms of FDP politician Mr. Ernst Cincera stealing documents from his private secret service. Mr. Cincera had installed file cards about more than 10,000 persons and is rated a "hunter of subversives".> [web13, introduction]. Journalist Mr. Jürg Frischknecht, a member of the "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" is calling the spying and peeping activity of Mr. Cincera even a "Cincera syndrome" [web13, 20-35sec.], and "elements" of this syndrome are the "Group of latest critical analysis" ("Gruppe für zeitkritische Analysen" and the "Information Group of Switzerland" ("Informationsgruppe Schweiz" [web13, 35-45sec.]. Mr. Ernst Cincera has not only committed espionage but with his index he was installing a kind of "private police" [web13, 2min.0-11sec.]. Mr. Cincera "is working with volunteers and with payed spies breaking any law" [web13, 2min.11-22sec.]. Mr. Cincera has got an "index about 4,000 mostly leftwing persons and organizations" [web13, 2min.22-32sec.]. Mr. Cincera was "supported by the Zurich cantonal boards and by military boards" [web13, 2min.32-39sec.]. This spying activity was financed by Swiss companies and societies mostly [web13, 2min.39-46sec.], for example by "Zurich Lawyer's Society" ("Verband Zürcher Rechtsanwälte") [2min.46-50sec.]. The business premises of Mr. Ernst Cincera are at English Quarter Street (Englischviertelstrasse) in Zurich where also the spying archives were administrated [web13, 2min.46sec.-3min.5sec.]. Mr. Cincera was claiming the loss of a part of his material in the cellar of a house at English Quarter Street claiming that there had been "theft, home invasion and unlawful detention" [web13, 3min.5-20sec.]. After a press conference three journalists fighting for enlightenment are detained by Zurich Nazi police and Mr. Jörg Frischknecht is hunted but he is partly hiding himself. And he is evaluating the documents. Soon the prosecutor's office is also working with the spying documents of Mr. Cincera. The complete archives are sealed and there are also investigations about his "snitchers" [web13, 3min.20-42sec.]. Mr. Ernst Cincera is denying everything and thus it's always a "he said - he said" [web13, 3min.42-45sec.].

1976: Book of "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" with the title: "Dossier Cincera. Documents and materials"
("Dossier Cincera. Dokumente und Materialien")

                            "Dossier Cincera. Documents and
                            materials" ("Dossier Cincera.
                            Dokumente und Materialien", 1976) by
                            "Working Group Democratic
Book "Dossier Cincera. Documents and materials" ("Dossier Cincera. Dokumente und Materialien", 1976) by "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" [5]
                            presentation "Dossier Cincera"
Book presentation "Dossier Cincera" [6]

One of the first fellow signatories with the group "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) was Mr. Fritz Leuenberger, later a government member [web12].

After one of the press conferences of "Democratic Manifesto" concerning the Cincera case a Swiss Nazi journalist  was reducing the whole case sarcastically to the abbreviations "DM" and SFr". Quotation from the German "Times" ("Die Zeit"):

<After one of such conferences a journalist was mocking about "DM" and the abbreviation for Swiss Francs (SFr): "What means DM? Democratic Manifesto. And what means sfr? Swiss Freedom in little letters."> [web08]
(original in German:
<Nach einer solchen Konferenz spöttelte ein Journalist, unter Anspielung auf die Aktion des „DM“ und die Abkürzung für den Schweizer Franken (sfr): „Was bedeutet DM? Demokratisches Manifest. Und was bedeutet sfr? Schweizer Freiheit, kleingeschrieben.“> [web08])
[Thus this means that it's not important how human rights are violated in Switzerland but it's only important that Swiss Franc is not falling attracting the whole funds of the whole world with the bank secret and that's it - this is Swiss Nazi system working since the 1930s "well"...]

The activists were condemned by Swiss Nazi justice because of "invasion", but they reached their goal that more and more employers were distancing themselves from the Cincera index [web01]. In 1976 "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" was editing a report about the Cincera spying documents: "Dossier Cincera. Documents and Materials" ("Dossier Cincera. Dokumente und Materialien" [web11]. In 1978 there was also an "investigation of military justice" [web01].

The victims - new vocabulary of the victims against Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera - Cincera's speeches etc.

Mr. Cincera was considering his work as a "protection for the state" on a private base [web04]. Victims of this political persecution by Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera were above all people from the "New Left". Leftwing pursued people were developing an own vocabulary against Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera: Cincera would be a "hunter of subversives" and his spying group would be an element of "Cincera denunciocracy" of "Cincerism" etc. [web02].

But Cincera did not only have an index but was presenting his "search results" and his propaganda against leftwing parties also in speeches and also a documentation information bulletin was edited with the title "What Who How When Where" ("Was Wer Wie Wann Wo"), and all this propaganda was public [web03].

[That means: All this rightwing Nazi propaganda of Mr. Cincera with his enemy stereotypes, with his blanket judgments and calumnies destroying the existence of thousands of people respecting the law was never stopped by the Swiss authorities - and this is again a hard PROOF that this Switzerland is just a Nazi Switzerland!]

Cincera claimed that all movements of leftwing politics would be steered by Moscow in the name of Marxism. And the companies could ask at his office and were provided with special information like for example in the case of criminal company Nestlé which had sold bad "baby food" in "Third World countries" and got problems with the political group "Third World Berne" [web04].

Cincera information bulletin "What Who How When Where"

"Information group of Switzerland" was making it's Nazi propaganda until 1991 without interruption but was changing it's name two times. First it was called between 1974 and 1976:

"What Who How When Where. Information about agitation and subversion of political extremism in Switzerland" ("Was Wer Wie Wann Wo. Information über Agitation und Subversion des politischen Extremismus in der Schweiz"). Editor was "Information Group of Switzerland" - Mr. Ernst Cincera. Then between 1977 and 1984 this publication was running under the title of "Bulletin / Information Group of Switzerland", and between 1984 and 1991 it was running under the title of "Info CH" [web04, foot note no. 210].

[This titles of the information bulletin (which was against everything with was "left" of Free Democratic Party) were elected in a kind that not trained and manipulated readers and company bosses got the impression that leftwing groups would not belong to Switzerland! But in this way the arrogant politics of Swiss Free Democratic Party (FDP) is going and was going on when in 1998 they were also accepting the illegal merger of Swiss bank of UBS AG and in 2001 they were permitting the grounding of Swiss national airline of Swissair...]

Persecuted political parties and organizations by Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera and his peeping groups

The publications of the "Working Group Democratic Manifesto" were then presenting the methods and the victims of Swiss snitcher "Cincerists", and also groups were persecuted which were not at all "leftwing" but "alternative" or "holistic" or "feminist". The "New Left" ("Neue Linke") and the new social movements were rated as a "threat" by the bourgeois in Nazi Switzerland. "Bourgeois" and anti communist "hegemony" should have been in danger [web04] -

[Logic there was a danger for criminal Swiss bourgeois parties because Swiss bourgeois had and have to hide plenty of corruption and money laundering and child torturing pedophile club "Basel Animal Circle" etc. until today (2014)!!!]

Bourgeois claimed that schools, media, arts and culture would have been in danger [web05].

Cincera was observing and spying the following groups (incomplete list):

-- New Left (Neue Linke) [web02]
-- Third World Berne (Dritte Welt Bern) [web04]
-- solidarity movements [web04]
-- solidarity committee for Africa, Asia and Latin America (Solidaritätskomitee für Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika, SKAAL) [web05]
-- Swiss Working Groups for Development Policy (Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppen für Entwicklungspolitik, SAFEP) [web05]
-- the commission for development aid of both Zurich universities (Kommission für Entwicklungshilfe der beiden Zürcher Hochschulen, KfE) [University of Zurich and Federal Technical University ETH of Zurich] [web05]
-- Swiss Nazi Mr. Cincera was rating all social "movements" as "communist" because "anybody" could be a member there, and "every movement" would have "socialism or communism" as it's goal, all movements would be "perturbators" and "destructors" [web04, foot note no. 212]

Comment: Who was the perturbator and destructor? Johnson and Nixon in Vietnam and in Laos
As it could be seen in the 1960s and early 1970s in TV every day the perturbator and destructor was criminal "USA" with it's Nazi policy in the Pentagon with Johnson and Nixon and with "freedom forces" in Vietnam and in Laos. This was the base for the big leftwing movements and new formating groups in the European and in the north "American" population! Oh, Mr. Nazi Cincera did not see this connection, he was blind, and Swiss authorities were also mostly blind!!!

Proud and criminal "America" never payed for the damage they provoked there with bombs, dislocations, mass murders and Agent Orange - crippled Vietnamese people can be seen in hospitals (after making contact) and in the War Museum in HCMC until today every Saturday and Sunday. The Agent Orange air planes were loaded for example in Thailand - and all these crimes committed by "U.S.A." and by capitalist states Mr. Cincera did not want to see - and Swiss justice not either...

And there were also movements against atomic power and atomic garbage - installed by corrupt bourgeois political parties. Mr. Cincera never saw any atomic garbage... So one knew in the leftwing groups of Switzerland who is garbage...

Also the movement for the emancipation of the blacks and for Mandela against the racist regime of South Africa came from "left groups". At the same time the rightwing establishment of Switzerland with FDP, CVP and SVP with the ASA company were making their weapon deals with South African racist regime (among others with the company EMS Chemicals of Mr. Blocher) - and until today (2014) this Swiss truth about ASA is not allowed to be presented - but is forbidden until to day (2014).

Thus we have to ask: Where is Moscow in all these conflicts provoking alternative movements? NOWHERE!

-- also poets, writers and theologists like Mr. Kurt Marti were persecuted because he had contact with communist Mr. Konrad Farner [web09]
-- anti capitalist farmer's cooperative "Longo Mai" [web13, 1min.40-52sec.; web14]

In this way Nazi Switzerland of Free Democratic Party (FDP) is working! And "Christian Popular Party" (CVP) and "Swiss People's Party" (SVP) are tolerating this for not loosing the coalition partner in the case of doubt! This propaganda against groups of persons in Nazi Switzerland was and is LEGAL until today (2014)!!! There is NO protection of "groups of persons" in Nazi Switzerland, only of members of religions!!!

1979: Book against Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera

<In 1979 a book was published called "The Weird Patriots" ("Die unheimlichen Patrioten"). In this book above all the Cincera case is prescribed.> [web15]

Book "The
                              Weird Patriots" ("Die
                              unheimlichen Patrioten", 1979) by
                              Jürg Frischknecht, Haffner, Haldimann and
                              Niggli from "Democratic
Book "The Weird Patriots" ("Die unheimlichen Patrioten", 1979) by Jürg Frischknecht, Haffner, Haldimann and Niggli from "Democratic Manifesto" [7]

The authors from "Democratic Manifesto":

Jürg Frischknecht , Peter Haffner , Ueli Haldimann , Peter Niggli
  • Pocket book: 794 pages
  • Edition: Limmat, Zurich (1984)
  • ISBN-10: 3857910771
  • ISBN-13: 978-3857910777 [web16]

Here on the photo the 6th edition is presented. It's mentioned that this edition would "not be censored any more". That means that Nazi Switzerland has that strong Nazi structures that the 5 editions of before only had been published under censorship. And this is one more proof that Switzerland is really a Nazi Switzerland.
q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence supplied)

Cincera's data in the military documentary system of MIDONAS (Militär-Dokumentensystem)

Well, it became even worse - and this corresponds really to the behavior rules of Nazi Switzerland: After the scandal of 1976 The data of the propaganda archives of Mr. Cincera against the so called leftwing "dangerous" persons in Switzerland are used on and on and are even handed to Swiss secret service to the military archives of MIDONAS (Military Documents Evidence System, in German: Militärisches Dokument-Nachweis-System). Nazi state of Switzerland was working on obviously despite of all scandals! Criminal Free Democratic Party of Switzerland is not "giving in" to "leftwing groups" but is going on with it's criminality and espionage against persons on all levels!

That means that Swiss espionage tradition which was installed since 1933 during Nazi times is NOT changing - and this is one more proof that Switzerland is NOT denazified.
q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence supplied).

Nazi Swiss Ernst Cincera is not punished for his systematic espionage and propaganda - but he is becoming even a member of national parliament!!!

In 1977 and 1978 Mr. Cincera claimed that "the political left" had done a "successful propaganda work". He was urging for a clear political language countering this. Not political, neutral and independents would copy the left terms without thinking about it. And bourgeois [absolutely corrupt!] majority [in criminal bank secret Switzerland] would be ignorant and passive [web05].

Yes, the "bourgeois majority" had to hide all it's corruption with the pedophile children torturing club "Basel Animal Circle" and money laundering inclusive, and thus this bourgeois majority can only be passive so nobody will detect anything!For this systematic espionage, infiltration and propaganda against leftwing people living in Switzerland it is really appropriate to call this Mr. Cincera a "Nazi Swiss". Additionally the term "Swiss" was abused for his index "Information Group of Switzerland" against persons of leftwing groups as if all leftwing groups and political parties would NOT belong to Switzerland. This political attitude is typical for the arrogant ties of FDP of Switzerland!

What was Mr. Cincera doing? He was defining the left "semantic guerrilla war" ("semantischer Guerrillakampf") [web06]! With this term Mr. Cincera was also protecting all brutalities in Swiss military and of Swiss poison pharma and of Swiss atomic industry and he was protecting all negative effects of criminal bank secrets - classic FDP poison products! But Mr. Cincera was even going further. He was stating that the "New Left" and "social movements" would be steered by Moscow all in all for "provoking to a revolutionary situation" at the end. Mr. Cincera meant that there would be a war of languages and was publishing for example the book "German following Marx" ("Deutsch nach Marx") [web06], later he was also publishing a "Swiss slogan lexicon" ("Schweizer Schlagwortlexikon") [web07].

There is never mentioned that this FDP member Mr. Ernst Cincera had been punished for his discriminating activity and propaganda. It can be admitted that other political parties have even copied his spying methods and snitcher and peeping methods and that these methods are copied until today.

1980-1982: Thesis: Cincera data were the base for the persecution of the social movement of autonomous youth center - and then Mr. Cincera is even a national deputy 1983-1995!!!

It can be admitted that NOTHING of the Cincera data was destroyed but all data were serving as a base for further political prosecution of new political groups with the connection of "Autonomous Youth Center" ("Autonomes Jugendzentrum", AJZ) in Zurich since 180 where a big majority was even more than over 20 years old. Between 1980 and 1982 criminal town of Zurich under the leadership of Nazi racists Mr. Sigmund Widmer and police commander Mr. Frick were hunting the "autonomous" systematically with caustic tear gas, with caustic tear gas water, with sticks (blowing on the heads) and with rubber bullets (partly deliberately hitting the heads). With all this war action in Zurich from 1980 to 1982 many persons were deliberately heavily injured, or dozens of victims lost even an eye - also not involved persons. Zurich Nazi police was hunting complete groups of humans for kilometers passing Zurich downtown provoking deliberately the violence and war actions with their weapons. Hundreds of innocent people were persecuted by Zurich Nazi police without any reason only because male members of the movement had longer hair than the Nazi Swiss policemen of Zurich. The victims were arbitrarily detained and then they were kept in prison mostly by INVENTED reasons for detaining and they were condemned by INVENTED reasons for the judgment for passing NOT JUSTIFIED penalties in prison. To the contrary criminal Zurich Nazi police was NEVER condemned also when the victims landed in hospitals or had even lost an eye. Police was even claiming that an eye was eliminated by a stone of an "alternative" stone thrower! But the stones were much bigger than the little rubber bullets which matched perfectly in the eye-socket! Swiss Nazi justice did not care!

All this means the following: Swiss Nazism which was installed by Cincera with his index in the 1970s with the general prejudgment that all "alternatives" would be steered from "Moscow" and would be "enemies of the state" was not ended but was getting an "advancement" and a "continuation" with the "fight" against "alternatives" in Zurich and in whole Switzerland between 1980 and 1982: There was just no communication but they were only blowing. Swiss Nazi police commanders were just supplying their bully guys with "equipment" - payed by Swiss tax payer.

It can be estimated that above all the resistance of Zurich local government hindering the handover of the promised "Red Factory" to the "Alternatives" was provoked by Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera polarizing the situation with espionage and peeping. Zurich Opera House got a big sum of 60 million Swiss Francs for a renovation in a popular vote, and some years before also the handover of the "Red Company" as a center for the "Alternatives" was approved by a people's vote - but this vote should not be considered. This political position in the Swiss "class of the bosses" seems to be promoted by Swiss Nazi Ernst Cincera.

Mr. Ernst Cincera was not only a "private snitcher" but as a member in Free Democratic Party of Switzerland he was even making political career as a national deputy (Nationalrat, 1983-1995 [web01]) - but this provoked that other members of FDP were leaving the party... [web10]. That a Nazi snitcher like Mr. Ernst Cincera was never punished but could be a national deputy in Berne for 12 years yet is one more evidence for the Nazi structures in Nazi Switzerland. Switzerland is a mental atrocity.

1982-1989: Further espionage and the first file card scandal - communist funds in Switzerland

And espionage was never stopping but was even DEVELOPED by criminal Swiss military secret services (UNA, MSD, P-26 and P-27)! At the same time since the 1960s communists had their own banks and bank accounts in Switzerland and it was just the Free Democratic Party (FDP) of Switzerland arguing that the "bank secret" must be also protect communist funds! The whole thing is called "democracy" and persons who do not accept this mortal Swiss system are called "crazy" by psychologists and the psychologists are even SUPPORTING this mortal system of Switzerland with it's Swiss bank secret not considering the poverty in the world provoked by it.

In 1989 - when never changed anything in Nazi Switzerland - there was the first file card scandal where the culprits were once again not condemned but could continue their life in a free way... And Mr. Cincera was even in the discussions and was even justifying his espionage and peeping activity as the example below is showing:

Feb 20, 1990: File card scandal and the committee "Make an end with the peeping state" ("Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat") - Tuesday Club in Swiss TV: "Sniffers, file cards and spies" ("Schnüffler, Fichen und Spionge" - Cincera defending his espionage and denunciation system as "intervention in the society"

Schweizer Fernsehen, Logo

After the file card scandal of 1989 was coming up the working group "Democratic Manifesto" (DM) was creating a committee "Make an end with the peeping state". For example this committee was editing the book "Peeping state of Switzerland: Hundred years are enough" ("Schnüffelstaat Schweiz: Hundert Jahre sind genug"; Edition Limmat, 1990)

Book of the
                              committee "Make an end with the
                              peeping state": "Peeping state
                              of Switzerland: Hundred years are
Book of the committee "Make an end with the peeping state": "Peeping state of Switzerland: Hundred years are enough" ("Schnüffelstaat Schweiz: Hundert Jahre sind genug") [8]

For example journalist Mr. Jürg Frischknecht was representing the committee "Make an end with the peeping state" in the media. But of course with criminal Nazi Switzerland was never changing anything. The behavior of criminal bank secret FDP was NOT CHANGING since then at all. Criminal Swiss Free Democratic Party (FDP) does not recognize itself as a "terrorist" until today (214) but after the first scandal of file cards in 1989/1990 was even coming a second one in 2010. And with these facts one more evidence is provided that Nazi Switzerland is really a Nazi Switzerland - q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence provided).

In 1990 journalist Mr. Jürg Frischknecht gave the following statements in Swiss TV on February 20, 1990:

                              Frischknecht from the committee "Make
                              an end with the peeping state"
                              ("Schluss mit dem
                              Schnüffelstaat") 1990
Jürg Frischknecht from the committee "Make an end with the peeping state" ("Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat") 1990 [9]

-- about 250,000 to 300,000 Swiss people - men and women - are registered and persecuted with a file card by secret services
-- and one more 300,000 foreigners are also registered with a file card
-- considering the active population this is a "peeping quota" of 15% (10-37sec.).

Also criminal Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera is present in this discussion who was NEVER punished for his espionage and peeping work for the "high Swiss bosses", but in 1990 he is even a member of the national Swiss parliament.

Ernst Cincera
                              (criminal bank secret FDP), national
                              parliament member, portrait of 1990
Ernst Cincera (criminal bank secret FDP), national parliament member, portrait of 1990 [10]

Mr. Rudolf Strahm from Swiss Justice Department (EJPD) is prescribing right what Mr. Ernst Cincera has done: Mr. Cincera was even paying his spies and snitchers for spying all groups being a little bit "left" or "alternative", for example the "Working Group Third World" ("Arbeitsgruppe Dritte Welt"):

Rudolf Strahm
                              from Swiss Justice Department (EJPD),
                              portrait 1990
Rudolf Strahm from Swiss Justice Department (EJPD), portrait 1990 [11]

Mr. Strahm is reporting: Mr. Ernst Cincera was payed for his espionage work respectively Mr. Cincera was "invoicing" the expense for peeping ans spying work to the company bosses. Thus Mr. Cincera was heading for precise espionage orders for criminal Swiss companies, for example for the criminal company Nestlé which had a process against "Working Group Third World" because of baby food in "Development Countries". Nestlé was selling poor baby food and babies were dying by hunger thus there was the reproach coming up that "Nestlé is killing babies". These "four days of work" with spying and peeping work against "Working Group Third World" was invoiced at Nestlé which is documented (50sec-1min.18sec.).

Mr. Strahm is asking Swiss Nazi Cincera: "For whose interests were you collecting?"

Ernst Cincera
                              (from criminal bank secret FDP), national
                              deputy, portrait of 1990 (02)
Ernst Cincera (from criminal bank secret FDP), national deputy, portrait of 1990 (02) [12]

Mr. Cincera means that he had "collected because with the matters of fact, with the wisdom what the matter was going about one could intervene into discussions and developments of the society" (1min.34-38sec.).
(original in German: er habe "gesammelt, um mit dem Wissen um die Tatbestände, mit dem Wissen, um was es geht, in die gesellschaftliche Diskussion und in die Entwicklungen eingreifen zu können". (1min.34-38sek.)

This means that criminal Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera is claiming that spying, being a snitcher and peeping would be legal or even necessary!

And now Mr. Strahm is listing precisely what was the calculated effect of criminal espionage index, snitching and peeping of Mr. Cincera and his espionage groups. All persons who were a little bit "left" were stigmatized as "enemies of the state" for blocking the communication and developments processes in the Swiss society. At the same time Swiss spy and spying work organizer Mr. Ernst Cincera is listening without moving at all - just a Free Democratic butterball with a golden watch as one can see.

Criminal Swiss
                              spy and Nazi, Mr. Ernst Cincera, a Free
                              Democratic butterball with golden watch
                              without brain
Criminal Swiss spy and Nazi, Mr. Ernst Cincera, a Free Democratic butterball with golden watch without brain - because he never sees his criminal action and never sees the mass murder action of "U.S.A." in Vietnam and Laos! [13]

Mr. Strahm telling the truth to Swiss Nazi Ernst Cincera about his actions:

<You were working in domestic politics for the ruling conservative class working with denunciations for maintaining the dominance of this ruling class.> (1min.38-48sec.)

<There had not to be any discussion any more. One had not to have any discussion with Third World and with the "Lefties" and with "pacifists" and later with "feminists" and "ecologists" any more.> (1min.48-58sec.)

<But you only called them "to Moscow" - they were all discriminated and blamed as "enemies of the state", and with this the discussion has ended.> (1min. 58sec.-2min.6sec.)

Rudolf Strahm
                              from Swiss Department of Justice (EJPD),
                              portrait of 1990 (02)
Rudolf Strahm from Swiss Department of Justice (EJPD), portrait of 1990 (02) [14]
(original in German:
<Sie haben innenpolitisch von der herrschenden, konservativen Schicht, haben Sie Denunziation betrieben, um diese Herrschaft aufrechtzuerhalten.> (1min.38sek.-48sek.).

<Man musste nicht mehr diskutieren. Man musste gar keine Diskussionen mehr mit der Dritten Welt und mit den "Linken" und mit den "Pazifisten" und später mit den "Feministinnen" und "Ökologen" führen.> (1min.48-58sek.)

<Sondern man hat sie "nach Moskau" - man hat sie ausgegrenzt als "Staatsfeinde", und damit ist die Diskussion beendet gewesen.> (1min.58sek-2min.6sek.)
Mr. Strahm knows precisely how criminal Mr. Ernst Cincera was with his espionage and peeping activity in this bank secret Switzerland and what Cincera was provoking with it. But criminal bank secret is also NOT put into question by Mr. Strahm...

Results: 1,000s of calumnies by Mr. Ernst Cincera - and he was never punished!
Swiss Nazi Mr. Ernst Cincera was committing systematically 1,000s of calumnies against Swiss people and against foreigners but was NEVER punished for this. This is just the behavior of criminal justice of Nazi Switzerland because criminal Swiss justice - is living by calumnies otherwise there would not be "work" left!

World wide effects of calumnies of McCarthy and Cincera: capitalism is destroying the whole world
And one has to know: The prejudices and calumnies of McCarthy and Cincera are working until today (2014) in the whole world and therefore the world with it's globalization is in the hand of the few members of "ruling class" with pure capitalism and the poor are always more and never less - because the rulers are just not speaking with the poor - they rate the poor as "communists" having mental walls in their brains and therefore the world is never changing. Not even the wisdom that 1 day no armament on the world would bring the money for alimentating the whole world with basic food and giving medical treatment could be prevail - but the capitalists are playint their armament game sine 2001 on and on with a lied Sep 11, 2001. This could be only thanks to McCarthy and Cincera because the left movements could not provoke any change of political system converting the world into a more peaceful world. Instead of this poverty is always rising...

An excuse or compensation from Cincera for his victims?
Was NEVER given. Was there the confession having committed calumnies? NEVER was confessed. Millionaire butterball with golden watch Mr. Ernst Cincera was a protector of the bank secret, was fostering his stereotype enemy pictures without end and his political relations and was always discriminating all people he had hunted or was persecuting on. Swiss lieutenant colonel never learns something new...

1970-2010: Persecution of everything which is a little bit "left": culprits Cincera, Sigmund Widmer, police commander Frick - file card scandal of 1989/1990 - Hugo Stamm and his booklet about "sects" - second file card scandal in 2010

We can see that the persecution of all persons who are a little bit "left" did not stop in Switzerland since Mr. Ernst Cincera begun with it. The line of criminal Swiss FDP with its political persecution of all persons being a little bit "left" or who seem to be a little bit "left" is going on from 1972 to the "alternatives"  of the Alternative Youth Center (AJZ movement) with Swiss Nazis as culprits: Mr. Sigmund Widmer and police commander Frick; and then the first file card scandal comes of 1989/1990; then the propagandist Hug Stamm comes from Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger calling every group or movement a "sect" in his sect booklet degrading all alternative groups or movements; and then the second file card scandal comes in 2010.

Thus one can see that this "Cincera syndrome" was developing the file card scandals of 1989/1990 and 2010, instead of replacing this destructive work by peace work in the upper class. And this is one more evidence that Nazi Shitzerland is going on to be a Nazi Switzerland because the structures did never change.

q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence provided).

And Swiss government is even supporting this eternal espionage and at the same time is even tolerating the high criminals in Swiss upper class (with the secret pedophile children torturing club "Basel Animal Circle"), and this government is spending on and on millions of Swiss Francs for espionage, snitchers and peeping work although all these millions would be better invested in places where people is really poor in the world. But to do "something good" is not foreseen in Switzerland because this would not correspond to the mentality of the criminal bank secret. Dreadful Shitzerland.

q.e.d. (quod erat demonstrandum - evidence provided).

There is no advertising with criminals.
[web01] Ernst Cincera, Swiss snitcher like a Nazi against leftwing Swiss people:
[web02] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz der 1960er und 1970er Jahre: Von der Barmherzigkeit zur Solidarität; Verlag Peter Lang;
[web03] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz, p.114-115
[web04] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz, p.115
[web05] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz, p.116
[web06] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz, p.117
[web07] Monica Kalt: Tiersmondismus in der Schweiz, p.120
[web08] Klaus Thiele-Dormann in the German "Times" ("Die Zeit"):
[web09] Swiss Newspaper "Der Bund": About Mr. Kurt Marti:
[web10] When Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera is becoming a national deputy (1983-1995) other FDP members are leaving the party:

[web11] Demokratic Manifesto: Cincera - documents and materials (Cincera - Dokumente und Materialien):
[web12] Leuenberger signing the "Manifesto":
[web13] Swiss TV: Cincera affair:
[web14] Longo Mai:
[web15] comparison of McCarthy with Cincera:
[web16] book "The weird patriots" ("Die unheimlichen Patrioten") about Nazi Swiss people with espionage and snitchers against all what is a little bit "left":
[web17] Mr. Heinrich Frei in New Rhinish News (Neue Rheinische Zeitung): Secret service activities also in Switzerland (Geheimdienst-Aktivitäten auch in der Schweinz9:

Photo sources
[1] Swiss Nazi snitcher Mr. Ernst Cincera: Video of Swiss TV: Cincera-Affäre (Cincera affair): - 6sek.
[2] Swiss newspaper article about Nazi spying methods of Ernst Cincera: Video of Swiss TV: Cincera-Affäre (Cincera affair): - 2min.22sek.
[3] Swiss Nazi Ernst Cincera on Dec 7, 1976 at a press conference of his "Information Group Switzerladn" presenting "an enemy":
[4] Jörg Frischknecht from "Democratic Manifesto" at a press conference of 1976: Video of Swiss TV: Cincera-Affäre (Cincera affair): - 32sek.
[5] book "Dossier Cincera. Dokumente und Materialien" (Dossier Cincera. Documents and Materials" (1976) of "Working Group Democratic Manifesto":
[6] book presentation of the book "Dossier Cincera":
[7] book "Die unheimlichen Patrioten" ("The weird patriots") (1979) by journalists Jürg Frischknecht , Peter Haffner , Ueli Haldimann , Peter Niggli   from Democratic Manifesto:ürg-Frischknecht/dp/3857910771
[8] book "Peeping state of Switzerland: 100 years are enough ("Schnüffelstaat Schweiz: 100 Jahre sind genug"):
[9] Jürg Frischknecht from the committee "End with peeping state" ("Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat" 1990): video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 20sec. ca.
[10] Ernst Cincera, national deputy of criminal bank secret FDP, portrait 1990: video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 43sec. ca.

[11] Rudolf Strahm from Swiss Justice Department (EJPD), portrait 1990: video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 1min.06sec.
[12] Ernst Cincera, portrait: video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 1min.31sec.
[13] Swiss Nazi Ernst Cincera, FDP butterball with golden watch, never feels guilty for his espionage and peeping work; In: video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 1min.53sec.
[14] Rudolf Strahm from Swiss Justice Department (EJPD), portrait 1990: video of Swiss TV: Tuesday Club (Zieschtigsclub) of Feb 20, 1990 - 2min.05sec.
