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Criminal Swiss people: Nazi SVP - index

It's not SVP - but the mass is disturbing ! -- SVP is to vomit.


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Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party)

Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots

Part 1: Propaganda without end of criminal Blocher SVP against Germans - and Swiss justice and German government are not intervening - but they like atomic power plants and speed without limits

-- Roger Schawinsky in the broadcast "Club", January 1, 2010, he does not want to speak high German with Germans any more
-- attack at the whiskey museum in Mustair in the location Santa-Maria in the canton of Grisons, because the owner is a successful German
-- Nazi poster of SVP "Stop mass immigration" ("Masseneinwanderung stoppen" only depicting black boots headed against Germans in Switzerland - but the total number of Germans in Switzerland was only half of the Italians which did not get any Swiss passport yet...

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 02: against EEA

-- Nazi Blocher with a shoe on the table in 1983 in a conversation with other national deputies Letsch and Rüegg
-- poster of SVP against EEA in 1992 with the lie that Switzerland would be grilled and surrounded and amputated, respectively the lie is that a membership of EEA would also be a membership of EU - and the poster is in Nazi colors black (for EEA and EU), red and white
-- propaganda posters of SVP "in a package of three" against EEA with sun, Matter Horn and the promise of "Freedom" - and the poster indirectly says that in other places is no sun, SVP says

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 03a: advertisementss with knives

Part 3a: advertisementss with knives not indicating any solution of the problem

The advertisement with knives
                                    of 1993 comes from Nazi graphic
                                    artist of SVP, Hans Rudolf Abächerli
                                    with his advertising agency
                                    "Goal" in Dübendorf, with
                                    a general defamation against
                                    "Left and Nice people".
The advertisement with knives of 1993 comes from Nazi graphic artist of SVP, Hans Rudolf Abächerli with his advertising agency "Goal" in Dübendorf, with a general defamation against "Left and Nice people".

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 03b: autonomous youth center (AJZ), Red Factory, Baden Street, Carthage poster of 1994

Part 3b: destroyed living space in Zurich since 1970 - AJZ and Red Factory 1980 - Baden Street Nº2 in 1982 - dwelling project "Carthage" in 1985 - and criminal SVP with a dyslexian poster in 1994

This is an analysis about absolute cultural racism and racism in Zurich up to losses of eyes by criminal bully police of Zurich which is called by Zurich people themselves like "Nazis" - and Zurich police is not learning but is applying rubber bullets until today (2013)

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 04a: Austria in EU, Jewish accounts, 'clarification'

Part 4a: Austria's accession to the EU in 1994, Jewish bank accounts since 1995, a 'clarification' with many lies in 1997

-- poster of SPÖ in Austria for an access to the EU with the manipulation "Yes to Europe" as if countries without an EU membership would not be part of "Europe" any more
-- "US" senator D'Amato, portrait of 1997, one of the main propagandists with new documents in the case of Jewish bank accounts without owners on Swiss banks since 1945
-- poster of SVP of 1997 by Nazi graphic artist Abächerli depicting Mr. Nazi Blocher expressing his childish protest against Jewish organizations without considering important historic facts

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 04b: Kosovo Albanians, school children, defamation, asylum abuse, elections 1999

Part 4b: propaganda against Kosovo Albanians, against school children, defamation of foreigners is no crime, asylum abuse of Yugoslav partisans, national elections of 1999

-- propaganda poster of criminal SVP from 1998 against a little support of 50,000.- Swiss Francs for a contact net of Caritas for Kosovo-Albanian refugees being victims of Milosevic
-- poster against asylum abuse of 1998 again by Nazi graphic artist Abächerli again totally in Nazi colors black, red, and white.

Nazi state of Switzerland since 2004 since the election of Nazi Blocher being a government member as "Justice Minister":

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 05: bilateral treaties, asylum abuse, "niggers" and "rats"

Part 5: bilateral treaties, soldiers, UNO and asylum abuse - "niggers" and "rats" are the new kind of speaking of Nazi SVP

-- poster of SVP of 2001 against Swiss soldiers abroad depicting a world war cemetery pretending a mass death of Swiss soldiers in peace missions - complete nonsense
-- advertisement of SVP in Saint Gallen of 2003 stating "Swiss are more and more the nigger loosers" ("Schweizer sind immer mehr die Neger") without presenting the real reasons for grievances and wars and refugees since the lie of September 11, 2001 and the criminal wars of criminal "U.S.A." - and not saying anything about criminal EU in Africa destroying African economies but installing slavery again
-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2004 against a rise of VAT for old age and disability insurance depicting Socialists as red rats

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 06: soccer fans - Schengen-Dublin - a "speech" in 2006 - one billion

Part 6: soccer fans - agreements of Schengen and Dublin - a "speech" for AUNS jubilee from 2006 - and one billion Swiss Francs with a blank law in 2006 - Blocher cannot behave

The crimes during the time when Mr. Nazi Blocher was Justice Minister of Switzerland:
-- SVP bully police (Nazis in blue) head a big festival at the train station of Altstetten District in Zurich with a mass kidnapping and torture with cable ties against 400 innocent soccer fans detaining them partly over 8 hours and molesting them at the end with wrong questions until 2 o'clock in the night
-- frightening posters of Nazi SVP of 2004 against Schengen Dublin agreement in Nazi colors black, red, and white
-- poster of Nazi SVP against cohesion billion in Nazi colors black, red, and white depicting a broken piggy bank and the inner side is only left black, and the piggy sees "EU starlets"

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 07: criminality of foreigners - black sheep bad seed - goat - Blocher kicked out

Part 7: criminality of foreigners - black sheep bad seed - billy goat "dag" ("Zottel") - "dag" computer game - Blocher as a black sheep kicked out of Swiss government

Crimes in the period when Mr. Nazi Blocher was Justice Minister of Switzerland:
-- Nazi poster of SVP in black, red, and white depicting white sheep kicking out a black sheep
-- SVP computer game with goat "Zottel" and white sheep fighting against black sheep in 2007
-- counter poster of Socialist Party (SP) in 2007, SVP and Nazi Blocher are deselected from the government converted into the "black sheep"

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 08: passports - ravens - minarets - deportations

Part 8: Swiss passports - apple trees and ravens - minarets - initiative for deportations

-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2008 in Nazi colors black, red, and white with the advertisements for a "democratic naturalization" at the ballot box with all propaganda possibilities without an obligatory justification of a rejection of foreigners also when they have not committed anything
-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2008 in Nazi colors black, red, and white against Free Movement of Persons depicting Romania and Bulgaria as "giant ravens" picking at Switzerland - but Romanian burglar gangs also come without agreement of Free Movement of Persons
-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2009 in Nazi colors black, red, and white for a prohibition of minarets with a woman in a gurka but there are only about 10 women in Switzerland with a gurka
-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2010 in Nazi colors black, red, and white for the deportation initiative depicting a Faruk who should be a murderer and soon a Swiss - any criminality of Swiss people with their criminal bank secret, their toxic criminal pharma production, their criminal trust of Nestlé and with their family murderers with military automatic guns is concealed

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 09: off road vehicles - voting right for foreigners - slitter case - innocents

Part 9: off road vehicles - voting right for foreigners rejected - slitter case - the innocent SVP

-- poster of SVP in Basel Town in 2010 in Nazi colors black, red, and white against right to vote and being elected for foreigners who are working showing a tax declaration - which is working in the cantons Neuchâtel and Jura without problems
-- Nazi advertisement of SVP from August 2011 "Kosovans slitting Swiss people" ("Kosovaren schlitzen Schweizer auf") whereas only one Swiss was injured at his neck and at one of his hands

-- sticker of Nazi SVP "foreigners go out" but according to my estimation Switzerland would have only half of the BIP without foreigners
-- Nazi poster of SVP "Swiss elect SVP" - as if all other parties would not belong to Switzerland any more
-- book of Sandro Stark: "Secret Affair SVP" ("Geheimsache SVP"): the book is describing sect structures of SVP with a cult of personality, can be purchased at Ex Libris book shops in every big Migros shopping center in Switzerland
-- Nazi graphic artist Alexander Segert of SVP since 2004, with his advertising agency "Goal", and he likes posters in Nazi colors black, red, and white - spreading them in whole Switzerland, black standing for foreigners, white standing for Swiss people, more Nazi racism is not possible
-- the car of Nazi Alexander Segert burnt in 2011

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 11: corrupt newspapers, faked surveys, no sociology

-- the advertisement of Swiss Federation of Trade Union against SVP in 2008 stating that "SVP wants to destroy the state of law" ("Sie wollen unseren Rechtsstaat zerstören!") - Swiss newspaper "20 minutes" was rejecting the printing of this advertisement
-- racist Toni Brunner in 2011 with the magazine of the forged survey about foreigners in his hand
-- one of the forged graphics of the survey about foreigners of SVP in 2011

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 12: criminal secret service, criminal police - forbid this party

Part 12: SVP is not reading but leading criminal Swiss secret service and criminal Swiss police accepting any banking criminality with money laundering for International Crime and mafia - forbid this party of SVP

The bank of UBS AG in Basel
                                    which was "Bankverein"
                                    before - this is the most criminal
                                    bank in Switzerland where world wide
                                    mafia can launder any money of
                                    International Crime
The bank of UBS AG in Basel which was "Bankverein" before - this is the most criminal bank in Switzerland where world wide mafia can launder any money of International Crime - and Nazi SVP is supporting this criminal bank secret with all their forces - Blocher is a "big friend" of Ospel...

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 13: "Greeks" and French part of Switzerland

Part 13: Propaganda of Nazi SVP against "Greeks" and "French-speaking Swiss" - all is accepted by Swiss Nazi justice

-- Nazi poster of SVP in 2013 with the reproach that Mrs. Gut from the Free Democrats (FDP) would trick like "Greeks" when she would restructure the pension fund of the canton of Zurich with one unique payment
-- Nazi Roger Köppel, portrait of chief editor of hate sheet "World Week" ("Weltwoche") making and publishing any propaganda articles against groups of humans without end without getting detailed information, probably collaborating with propagandist and Nazi Mörgeli
-- hate sheet "Weltwoche" of 2012 with the propaganda article stating that "French-speaking Swiss" would "be the Greeks of Switzerland", but the French part of Switzerland has got the solar vehicle prototypes!
-- rösti ditch is a big lie in Switzerland, for example here shown with a Swiss map depicting the result of the deportation initiative according to districts 2010: Big parts of Grisons and Zurich and "Goldcoast" and big parts of Berne and Basel Town are voting with French territories, and some French territories are voting with German territories

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 14: truths with stressings

Part 14: truths about SVP with stressed words

Some truths about SVP 01

Some truths about SVP 02

Some truths about SVP 03

Some truths about SVP 04

Part 18: Blocher's war - catch voters - enemy stereotypes - Nazi graphic artist Abächerli

Some truths about SVP 05

Some truths about SVP 06

Supplements: speeches

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party): speech of Mr. racist Blocher of 1997: lies in a "clarification"

Speech of racist Blocher from March1, 1997: lies in a "clarification"

Blocher is speaking - reading a speech about history which is very probably prepared by big baron of the Lies and Nazi Mr. Mörgeli leaving out everything what concerns Swiss collaboration with the Third Reich during the Nazi period in Europe from 1933 to 1945 for presenting Switzerland as an "innocent" country

Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party): speech of Mr. racist Blocher at AUNS jubilee "20 Years AUNS"

October 28, 2006: lies of propagandist Blocher in his jubilee speech "20 Years AUNS": concealing facts without end
Swiss Nazi leader Blocher at
                                    the AUNS jubilee of 2006 in Nazi
                                    region of Bernese Oberland in Matten
                                    near Interlaken
Nice "big family" meeting with 1,500 people in Nazi region of Bernese Oberland with a censored speech hold by Nazi leader Blocher concealing facts without end. One only has to see the posters of the years of 2006 and 2007 thus one knows that he is a Nazi leader financing racism in whole Switzerland.

Supplements: Nazi graphic artists of criminal and Fascist Nazi SVP

Second Nazi graphic artist in black and red of Nazi SVP 02: Alexander Segert
