There is no advertising with criminals.

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

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Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party): speech of Mr. racist Blocher at AUNS jubilee "20 Years AUNS" in 2006

Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots

October 28, 2006: lies of propagandist Blocher in his jubilee speech "20 Years AUNS": concealing facts without end

Nazi leader
                          Christoph Blocher at the jubilee festival of
                          AUNS at Matten near Interlaken in 2006
Nazi leader Christoph Blocher at the jubilee festival of AUNS at Matten near Interlaken in 2006 [1]

Swiss Nazis feeling happy with their billions and propaganda...
"Maids of
                          honor" for racist Christoph Blocher at
                          AUNS jubilee festivity in 2006 an der
                          AUNS-Jubiläumsveranstaltung von 2006 in Matten
                          bei Interlaken
"Maids of honor" for racist Christoph Blocher at AUNS jubilee festivity in 2006 [2]

Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is not denazified until today.

Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing this eternal SVP racism.


by Michael Palomino (2013)



October 28, 2006: lies of propagandist Blocher in his jubilee speech "20 Years AUNS": concealing facts without end

1,500 "Blocher friends" were celebrating the jubilee and were stuck in their prejudices and in their schemes of judgment and prejudices as before and ever. In this speech from 2006 which is probably written by Nazi propagandist Mörgeli important facts and comparisons are left out again and again without end.

Swiss newspaper "Virgin News" ("Jungfrauzeitung") is reporting:

<After the official ceremony the AUNS members and their friends began to develop their festivity properly with speeches hold by President of AUNS Pirmin Schwander, of the local President of Matten, Andres Grossniklaus, and of Government Member Christoph Blocher. In a huge party tent 1,500 people were enjoying the festival after the official part which had lasted 2 hours, with good meals with meat, vegetables and mashed potatoes. And there was diversion with singer Sarah Jane and with SVP poet Oskar Freysinger, and there was much time for political discussions.>
(orig. in German:
<Richtig zum Feiern kamen die zahlreichen AUNS-Mitglieder und Freunde schliesslich nach der offiziellen Zeremonie mit Reden von AUNS-Präsident Pirmin Schwander, Mattens Gemeindepräsident Andres Grossniklaus und Bundesrat Christoph Blocher. In einem riesigen Festzelt gab es für die 1500 Teilnehmer des offiziellen Unterhaltungsteils nach der gut zweistündigen offiziellen Feier einen hübsch angerichteten Teller voll Fleisch, Gemüse und Kartoffelstock, Unterhaltung mit der Sängerin Sarah Jane und SVP-Dichter Oskar Freysinger und viel Zeit für politische Diskussionen.>)

Wonderful, But what was coming out? Let's see the speech of Mr. Justice Minister Blocher "20 Years of AUNS" which can be found in the Internet. It seems really a surprise that Mr. Blocher is just repeating all his lies from 1992 and it seems he made NO intellectual progress at all. The truth is just like this: EEA is NO EU, and an access to EEA is NO an access to EU and two different people's votes are needed. But Mr. Blocher is not making any difference in his speech in 2006 and presents the claim that without AUNS Switzerland had become a member of EU since a long time already. Quotation (translation by Michael Palomino):

<Man kann die Bedeutung und Mission der AUNS in einem Satz zusammenfassen:

Ohne AUNS hätten wir unsere Unabhängigkeit verloren. (Lüge! Der EWR hätte ebenso die Unabhängigkeit garantiert).

Ohne AUNS wären wir heute Mitglied der Europäischen Union. (Lüge! Für eine EU-Mitgliedschaft hätte es eine eigene Abstimmung gegeben, und die wurde ja abgelehnt).

Ohne AUNS wäre das Schweizer Volk entmündigt worden.  (Lüge! Der EWR hätte die Schweiz NICHT entmündigt).
Denn eine EU-Mitgliedschaft wäre auch das Ende der direkten Demokratie und damit das Ende unserer einzigartigen Volksrechte.(Lüge! Eine EU-Mitgliedschaft hätte es NIE gegeben!)

Ohne AUNS hätte die Schweiz ihre Neutralität aufgegeben. (Lüge! Die Neutralität kann im EWR weiterbestehen!)
Jene aussenpolitische Maxime also, die unser Land 150 Jahre lang erfolgreich vor allen Kriegshandlungen bewahrt hat.(Lüge! Die Neutralität war gar keine sondern eine volle Kollaboration mit dem Nazi-Reich bis nach 1945, und die Schweiz wurde NIE entnazifiziert).

Darum gilt es festzuhalten:
Die AUNS ist der Stosstrupp der Unabhängigkeit. (Lüge! Der EWR garantiert auch die politische Unabhängigkeit).
Die AUNS ist die Verteidigerin der direkten Demokratie. (Lüge! Genau die Nazi-SVP manipuliert die Demokratie mit ihren rassistischen Inseraten und Plakaten und streut dauernd Angst und bewirkt so falsche Mehrheiten, ohne dass sich wirklich etwas ändert).
Die AUNS ist das Bollwerk der Neutralität.> (Lüge! Die Schweiz ist das Bollwerk des Bankgeheimnisses für alle kriminellen Diktatoren und ist der Geldwäscher für das Internationale Verbrechen mit der UBS AG, vor allem in der Basler Abteilung, die früher Bankverein hiess).

Herr Blocher beschwört eine Schweiz ohne EWR:

<Die Schweiz hat ohne EWR überlebt. Gerade deswegen sogar sehr gut überlebt! Die Schweiz konnte ihren Wohlstand gerade ausserhalb vom EWR – und nicht zuletzt deswegen – behaupten.>

<One can really make a summary in just one sentence about the significance and the mission of AUNS:

Without AUNS we had lost our independence. (Lie! EEA had bewared independence!)

Without AUNS we were member of European Union now. (Lie! For a membership in the EU an own people's vote had been necessary, and this had been rejected).

Without AUNS Swiss population had been placed under disability. (Lie! EEA had never put Swiss population under disability).

Because a EU membership would have been the end of direct democracy and would be the end of our special people's rights. (Lie! EU membership had never been!)

Without AUNS Switzerland had given up it's neutrality. (Lie! Neutrality can be also within EEA).
This is the guideline which was a pure success in the last 150 years bewaring our country from any war action. (Lie! Neutrality was no neutrality but was a full collaboration with the Nazi Empire up to 1945 and even after 1945, and Switzerland was never denazified).

That's why we have to state:
This AUNS is a combat patrol for independence. (Lie! EEA is also a guarantee of political independence).
This AUNS is the defense of direct democracy. (Lie! Just this Nazi SVP is manipulating democracy with racist and discriminating advertisings and posters spreading fear everywhere provoking wrong majorities, and nothing is really changing).
This AUNS is the fortress for neutrality.> (Lie! Switzerland is a fortress for the bank secret for any criminal dictator and for the money launderer of International Crime in the high street bank of UBS AG, above all in the Basel section which was called "Bankverein" before).

And then Blocher is invoking Switzerland without EEA:

<Switzerland has survived without EEA. Just because of this Switzerland survived very well. Switzerland could confirm it's wealth outside of EEA - and not only because of this.>

Well, Blocher can claim this, but all the work was done by others, and the reproach of being a cherry picker other had to accept. Switzerland has the most little offices in Brussels or in certain positions there is no office at all. This is the will of this propagandist Blocher. He put Switzerland in Brussels at the last place. Liechtenstein, Norway, and Island are going very well with EEA and are not at the last place...

Herr Blocher beschwört eine effiziente Schweiz ohne EWR. Da sei eine Studie des WEF:

<Vor circa zwei Monaten ist eine Zeitungsmeldung erschienen, die es in sich hatte. Das World Economic Forum (WEF) hat die Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Studie veröffentlicht. Es wurde weltweit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Industrieländer untersucht. Und siehe da: Die Schweiz belegte den ersten Rang. >

Nun, diese Effizienz in der Schweiz ist auch mit EWR möglich, ohne in Brüssel an letzter Stelle zu stehen. Aber das unterschlägt Herr Blocher.

Und weiter sagte Herr Blocher, da sei eine Untersuchung des Weltwirtschaftsforums (das World Economic Forum, das sich einmal jährlich in Davos trifft, kurz WEF):

<Die WEF-Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Schweiz über besondere Qualitäten verfügt: einen robusten Finanzplatz, eine hervorragende Forschung, politische Stabilität, vergleichsweise tiefe Steuern und gute Infrastrukturen.>

Mr. Blocher invokes an efficient Switzerland without EEA. There is a study by World Economic Forum (WEF):

<Just about two months ago there was a report in a newspaper showing striking details. World Economic Forum (WEF) had published the results of a broad investigating study. Efficiency of the industrial countries was investigated. And Switzerland was Number 1.>

Well, this efficiency is also possible when Switzerland is in EEA, without being at the last place in Brussels. But this is concealed by Mr. Blocher.

Further on Mr. Blocher is presenting more details about this study:

<The investigation of WEF is showing that Switzerland has special qualities: a tough financial center, very well developed science sector, political stability, low taxes, good infrastructure.>

Well, what means a "tough financial center"? These innocent words contain just the criminal bank secret that is used by all governments of the world concealing their funds under the cover of the bank secret in Switzerland thus world wide poverty is continuing or is even growing. Criminal strategy of bank secret is working also for any criminal dictator and for Muslim Saudi families discriminating any women totally and being responsible for the support of Islamization in Europe and in "America". But all this is concealed by Mr. Blocher.

Herr Blocher erwähnt, dass viele ausländische Firmen sich in der Schweiz niedergelassen haben:

<Im letzten Jahr haben sich rund 510 ausländische Unternehmen in der Schweiz niedergelassen. Ausgerechnet im Nicht-EU-Land Schweiz. Oder ist es gerade deswegen? Grosse Firmen haben ihren europäischen Hauptsitz in die Schweiz verlegt. Ist das Zufall? Die Summe der Direktinvestitionen in der Schweiz (also die Summe Geld, die ausländische Firmen in der Schweiz investieren) hat einen Höchstwert erreicht. Alles Zufall?>

Then Mr. Blocher means that many foreign companies have come to Switzerland founding their seat here:

<In the last year more than 510 foreign companies have found their seat in Switzerland. Just in the non EU country of Switzerland. Or just because of this? Big companies shifted their European head offices to Switzerland. Is this just a coincidence? The total sum of direct investment in Switzerland (all the money which was invested by foreign companies in Switzerland) reached a new peak. Is this just a coincidence?>

Well, Blocher is concealing
-- which companies
-- where they came from
-- how the conditions are in other countries
-- and which companies have left Switzerland.

Thus the number of "510" remains mentioned without any comparison and this seems to be a deliberate manipulation.

Herr Blocher lügt dem Publikum auch vor, dass ein EWR-Vertrag wie ein EU-Vertrag wäre! Der Alkohol-Stammtisch-Kopf Blocher ist nicht fähig, diese Verträge zu unterscheiden! Und diese Manipulation verdient nun wirklich die Qualifikation, die Goethe auch in gewissen Situationen gebrauchte: ein "Arschloch":

<Ein EWR-Vertrag oder eine EU-Mitgliedschaft würde die Grundlagen unserer erfolgreichen Schweiz zerstören:
  • Eurokratie statt direkte Demokratie mit Volksinitiative und Referendum
  • Fremdbestimmung statt wachsame Selbstbestimmung
  • Zentralismus statt föderalistische Vielfalt
  • Verlust der Direkten Demokratie
  • Einschränkung statt Handlungsfreiheit
  • höhere Arbeitslosigkeit
  • Verlust der Währung und damit der Inflation ausgeliefert.
  • höhere Schuld- und Hypothekarzinsen
  • entsprechend höhere Wohnungsmieten
  • zusätzliche Steuern, Prämien und Abgaben
  • Attraktivitätsverlust des schweizerischen Wirtschaftsstandortes>

<Mr. Blocher is going on with his lies that an EEA treaty would be an EU treaty! Mr. Blocher seems to be an alcoholic at the regulars' table when he cannot see the difference between these two contracts! And this manipulation is really deserving the qualification that also Goethe was using in certain situations: an "ass hole":

<An EEA treaty or a EU membership had destroyed the base of our successful Switzerland:
  • there would be eurocracy instead of direct democracy with people's votes and referendums
  • there would be heteronomy instead of vigilant self determination
  • direct democracy had lost
  • liberty of action had been limited
  • unemployment had been higher
  • our currency had been lost and the country would be at the mercy of inflation
  • interests would be higher for debts and properties
  • rents for flats would be higher correspondingly
  • there would be additional taxes, premiums and fees
  • Switzerland would loose attraction for economy.>

One can ask why this propaganda party of SVP is elected yet. It seems that many Swiss have simply the same habit to give their brain to the beer glass. All this should be caused by EEA, or by an EU membership, in the same manner? This cannot be. Add to this the introduction of EURO is one more separate treaty affording one more separate people's vote! And the most important point of EU Mr. Blocher did not mention: mafia and robbery mentality of the southern EU states soaking funds from Brussels. Additionally also mafia from eastern Europe and from Russia is working in the EU. The fact is that Blocher is not mentioning this mafia which is constantly sucking funds from Brussels, and the fact that Mr. Blocher is not mentioning this provokes a certain suspicion that Mr. Blocher could also be a certain mafia member - as other government members and chief public prosecutors also are.

Und dann kommt Herr Blocher zum Thema "Meinungsfreiheit":

<Die direkte Demokratie ist aber nie bloss ein formelles Abstimmungsverfahren gewesen. Die direkte Demokratie setzt Gedanken-, Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit voraus. Ohne diese gibt es keine Demokratie. Jeder Bürger muss frei seine Meinung äussern können.

In undemokratischer Weise wird zunehmend von denen, die etwas zu sagen haben, versucht, Meinungen zu verbieten, zu unterdrücken oder gar zu verfälschen, statt dass man andere Meinungen zulässt und – wenn nötig – widerlegt. Ich staune, wie in vielen Fragen nur eine einzige Meinung zugelassen wird. Eine Demokratie muss jedoch in Alternativen denken, handeln und regieren, sonst macht sie keinen Sinn!

Die Meinungsfreiheit darf darum nicht durch Gesinnungsgesetze eingeschränkt werden.
Die Meinungsfreiheit darf nicht durch eine Gesinnungsjustiz verfolgt werden.
Die Meinungsfreiheit darf nicht einer vorherrschenden Gesinnungspolitik geopfert werden.>

And then Mr. Blocher is speaking about the topic of "freedom of speech":

<Direct democracy has never only been just a vote. Direct democracy has it's precondition with freedom of thinking, of speech and of meaning. Without these there is no democracy. Any civilian has to have the right to utter it's free meaning.

Other persons treat more and more in an undemocratic way to forbid or to suppress or even to falsify meanings instead of accepting other meanings, and - when it's necessary - they are refuted. I am only astonished how in many affairs only one single meaning is permitted. A democracy has to consider all alternatives and has also to act and to govern with all alternatives, otherwise this makes no sense!

Freedom of meaning must not be limited by laws of sympathy.
Freedom of meaning must not be pursued by a justice of sympathy.
Freedom of meaning must not be sacrificed by a dominating policy of sympathy.>

Unfortunately this is not just so right because just SVP is violating this freedom of meaning when there is a constant manipulation of whole Switzerland in a Nazi manner with advertisings and posters in a frightening way manipulating the meanings enforcing the meaning with faked and inefficient tactics against foreigners and often criminalizing them.

All in all Mr. Blocher's propaganda in this speech was only continued. Intellectually Mr. Blocher has made NO progress since 1992, and this seems really very poor. And Mr. Blocher was in these times Justice Minister of Switzerland...

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

There is no advertising with criminals.

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Photo sources

[1] Christoph Blocher at the jubilee festival of AUNS at Matten near Interlaken in 2006:
[2] "Maids of honor" for racist Christoph Blocher at AUNS jubilee festivity in 2006:
